[plug] spark is not happy..

Mark J Gaynor mark at mjg.id.au
Wed Sep 6 23:43:24 WST 2006

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On 6/09/2006 at 9:15 PM Timothy White wrote:

>> Fixed.  Thanks for the heads up (I think) :-)  I couldn't umount home
>> since there were processes using it so I just mounted /home again on top
>> of it.  Also, for "show-off points":
>> spark:~# uptime
>>  18:56:33 up 492 days,  5:11,  2 users,  load average: 0.58, 0.24, 0.08
>Ah ha! I knew there would be another machine like this one....
>mafeking:~$ uptime
> 21:09:26 up 492 days,  8:42,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05
>I should have known, that it would be the machine, directly to the
>left of mafeking.... I do have photos of these boxes in the colo, so
>when I get a chance to enhance them (I had little time to take the
>photos, and the door is closed, so need to remove the glare), I'll
>post them.

Not on this list, Tim. Committee is ok. It is a security issue with the
I had this before when things were upstairs. For our own records is ok, but
not to the general public

>Yes, right next to the box I was working on, sit the plug boxes. :-D
>And roughly 492 days ago, was when they got moved from upstairs to
>downstairs, if I am correct.
>This is a testament to the CoLo's power management, and backup system.
>Sure, we get the occasional outages of network (usually the
>international link is the issue I think), but in terms of stable
>power.... Just brilliant! (Mind you, there staff are just swell as

zulu:~$ uptime
 23:40:42 up 492 days, 19:18,  1 user,  load average: 0.24, 0.42, 0.28

At the same place. I'm very happy  with things. 


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