[plug] wifi badness on startup ubuntu dapper drake

Gregory Orange gregory.orange at metoceanengineers.com
Tue Aug 21 14:02:05 WST 2007

Hi all,

I've got an Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG (ipw2100 from memory) running 
under Ubuntu Dapper Drake, and all is fairly well. I've configured it 
with /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf (hmm, are there underscores 
or not? I can't remember) and /etc/network/interfaces and it works fine. 
Except when I first boot.

That is, the most reliable way for me to get an active connection is to 
ifdown eth1 then turn off the card with the little button on the 
machine, wait a bit then turn it back on again then ifup eth1. Otherwise 
I very rarely (if ever) get a DHCP response, even though there is strong 
signal showing from an iwlist eth1 scan any time the card is physically 
switched on.

Any suggestions? Should I be pointing the finger at the router? It's a 
D-Link, can't remember exactly what it is.


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