[plug] Bitrot

Arie Hol arie99 at ozemail.com.au
Mon Dec 24 03:18:53 WST 2007

On 24 Dec 2007 at 2:38, Adrian Chadd wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 24, 2007, Arie Hol wrote:
> > A problem occurred when those older floppy discs that had been used 
> > earlier versions of DOS (up to ver 6.22) were inserted into a Win95
> > system for the first time, Win95 would immediately set about 
> > the FAT system for the disk from the old 8.3 format to handle long 
> > names - in many instances if the disk was "full" - the FAT was 
> > and the disks became unreadable in both Win95 and older DOS systems.
> > 
> > Goodbye data.
> You know Vista does this with flash drives, right?

It's probably classified as a feature - and not a bug !!

Windows XP also does this when it is installed on older PC's with older 
3.5" floppy drives - but in this case it's not a filesystem thing it's 
just WinXP mangling disks in older floppy drives.

Regards Arie
 For the concert of life, nobody has a program.

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