[plug] casio fx-9860G AU software for linux
Andreas B.
andreasmarcel at gmail.com
Sun Jul 8 00:24:35 WST 2007
On 2006-01-15 09:31 +100 Caleb Duggan wrote:
> I just got a new casio fx-9860G AU graphics calculator for school
> and, I was wondering if there were any programs I could use to upload
> programs to it via usb under linux. Does anyone know of any?
> I came across cafix.sourceforge.net but, it says it's for the older
> 9850 model(which as far as i know, can only use serial). I tried
> running cafix and it's looking at /dev/casio which i don't have, is
> there a way to determine what it is under /dev/?(im using ubuntu)
> thanks.
I know this is a late response (possible too late), but it might be of use to others.
I'm the developer of xfer9860. xfer9860 version 0.1 lets you upload files over USB, and needs libusb to compile. It has not been tested on the AU model, but should work.
Project URL: http://sourceforge.net/projects/xfer9860
SVN trunk: https://xfer9860.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xfer9860/xfer9860/trunk
If you know how to use SVN, you can also check out the latest revision. As of revision 48 it also includes functional file download (slow) and memory information. The memory info assumes 1.5MB flash memory, so it will probably not work correctly with the AU.
Thank you,
Andreas Bertheussen.
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