[plug] Ubuntu Feisty and an APC UPS

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Fri Jun 8 00:37:29 WST 2007

G'day mobsters,

A mate of mine relocated countries recently and decided his APC Back-UPS CS 650 was just to heavy to 
bother with, so he left it for me. It's been sitting around as a doorstop for a couple of months and 
I finally got sick of tripping over it and decided to try and put it to use.

Now this device defies all known norms and uses a USB interface, which random google searches would 
have me believe are a bit odd to set up. Better still, there was no manual or data cable with the 

Having found a pinout on the net and discovering to my dismay (at 8pm on a weekend when the techie 
stores are closed) that it uses a 10 pin RJ50 rather than an 8 pin RJ45 I did what any self 
respecting geek trying to avoid buying anything would do and broke out the soldering iron.

After ripping it to bits and butchering an old USB cable I managed to cobble it back together and 
hoped I'd got it right.

Thinking I'd plug it into the PC and at least see if I could get anything from lsusb before I 
started the task of figuring out how to configure nut (this will ultimately end up on my server 
which runs current debian stable), I powered it up off its internal battery and plugged the USB 
cable into the back of my mini (running Ubuntu Feisty).

Before I had a chance to open a console and do a lsusb, gnome power manager told me I was running on 
battery power and had 36 minutes of runtime left! Could have knocked me down with a feather. No 
configuration, no hassle, just plug and play!

It makes gnome power manager behave just like it would on a laptop battery and you can configure all 
the shutdown/hibernate times and options just like you would a laptop.

Its runtime estimate is deadly accurate, but its charging time estimates leave something to be 
desired, other than that I'm just blown away.

Colour me impressed.

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability
to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable
for their apparent disinclination to do so." -- Douglas Adams

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