[plug] what command does the same thing as robocopy /mir?

Richard Meyer meyerri at westnet.com.au
Sat Mar 3 20:55:27 WST 2007

On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 19:29 +0900, sothisistheinternet wrote:
> On 2/22/07, sothisistheinternet <sothisistheinternet at gmail.com> wrote:
>         On 2/21/07, Hendrik Strydom <hns1 at iinet.net.au> wrote: 
>                 On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 02:50 +0900, sothisistheinternet
>                 wrote:
>                 > Hi all,
>                 >
>                 > If I have a drive that I want to synchronise onto a
>                 usb hard drive
>                 > then, under windows, I use robocopy /mir. I now have
>                 the same 
>                 > situation under linux...so what's the equivalent
>                 command?
>                 rsync is good with jobs like this.
>                 Generally a command like
>                 rsync -avg /source /target will quickly sync source
>                 and target.
>                 Depending on what you want there are many other
>                 options, so you 
>                 definitely need to review the man page.  For backups
>                 (i..e multiple
>                 copies of changed files) look at something like
>                 rsync-backup.
>                 There are likely many other similar products as well.
>         So something like rsync -az
>         --delete /pub/share1 /mnt/usbdrive1? I think when using -a
>         that -g is already accounted for (from my reading of the man
>         pages, as you suggested). Your suggestion of using -v is a
>         good one so I know if it's actually doing the right things! 
>         Cheers,
>         Ari 
> Any idea why rsync -avz --delete /pub/share1 /mnt/usbdrive1 is so
> incredibly slow? It takes longer to run than just reformatting the
> 320GB USB drive and copying the data from the /pub/share1 directory
> (260GB) back to it! 
> Ari

Well, it does an md5 (or equivalent) check on every file on source and
destination (as far as I know), and then only copies the different files
across as well as deleting the "unknown" destination files.

But, that's what I read from "man".  ;-)

Richard Meyer <meyerri at westnet.com.au>
My Hovercraft is full of eels.
   --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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