[plug] Hostaway downtime

Jonathan Young jonathan at pcphix.com
Mon May 7 17:35:46 WST 2007

Patrick Coleman wrote:
> Is it just my server, or did Hostaway (and so PLUG's server, keeping
> this moderately on-topic :) drop out for quite a few hours earlier
> today?
> -Patrick
Hard to say.  I got a few outages all in one go this afternoon 
(www.lunapalace.com.au was one), a couple of local sites and then about 
the same time I had trouble getting onto Slashdot.org too.  It might 
have all been via the same uplink somewhere though...  Internet still 
seems a little unresponsive right now.

I'm on an Amnet ADSL2+ account.

Jonathan Young
Director of PC-PHIX
jonathan at pcphix.com

Phone: 0410 455 674
Web: http://www.pcphix.com/

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