[plug] Spellchecking in OpenOffice

Jonathan Young jonathan at pcphix.com
Wed May 30 22:12:52 WST 2007

Alex Polglaze wrote:
> Jonathan Young wrote:
>> Turns out I was actually using the English UK that came with 
>> OpenOffice 2.0 so then I tried selecting the English USA instead.  
>> All the tick boxes are there - makes no odds.  So next I downloaded 
>> some specific Australian English dictionaries.  No change.  You can 
>> type anything you like and it lets it through.  It says it is doing a 
>> check, but when you run Spellcheck it immediately comes back with no 
>> errors found no matter what you type.
>> Anyone had anything similar??  I just don't have time this week to go 
>> hunting and testing.  I might tackle it this weekend instead since it 
>> is not urgent.  Any other suggestions are most welcome though!!
> See my earlier post.
> You have to install the dictionary via the WIZARD.
> Then when you select the dictionary, it will have ABC and a tick next 
> to it.
> If you have a look at the available dictionaries in OO, you can see 
> that there are heaps, but...
> the only ones that will work are the ones marked "ABC and a tick"
> Alex
That makes sense.  Silly question then - where's the wizard??

Jonathan Young
Director of PC-PHIX
jonathan at pcphix.com

Phone: 0410 455 674
Web: http://www.pcphix.com/

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