[plug] Ubuntu 7.10 Install Problems

Tomasz Grzegurzko tomasz89 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 14:05:23 WST 2007

On Nov 30, 2007 2:01 PM, richard <rfbowles at bigpond.com> wrote:
> I hoping someone can advise me on how to resolve my current problem i
> have in installing 7.10.
> I have received the shipit cd, changed boot sequence to start from
> cdrom...ok. I get the ubuntu splash screen. I press "install" then my
> screen goes blank with just a flashing cursor in the top right hand
> corner. I have an earlier edition of Ubuntu 6.06 and it installs fine. I
> just want to do a fresh install. My system specs are as follows: P4 D
> 3ghz, 2gb ram, Nvidia 7300 AGP video card. Further to this i even
> downloaded the iso and it still does the same thing. I have also
> downloaded Mandriva and it too goes to a blank screen after the initial
> welcome screen, and selecting "install". Any advice would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Richard Bowles
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I wonder if you have the same problem I have with my shiny Nvidia card
and 7.10. Try taking the "splash" parameter out of Gutsy's boot
options by hitting F6 at the initial boot menu, see if that goes.


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