[plug] Newsagencies and new lotto terminals

Adam Davin byteme-its at westnet.com.au
Tue Feb 19 21:15:49 WST 2008

Hi All,

This is on topic... really.. 

I got to see one of the new lotto terminals being rolled out around WA
at the moment.. Touch screens etc.. 

Well They run Linux! I believe the distro was some form of gentoo
derivative as the kernel still has the gentoo label. Bootup and
shutdown of the machines give a clear init and shutdown sequence. Boot
is via LILO. Also gives a nice Xwindows default cursor on initialising
X. :)



Adam Davin
Byteme IT Services
Mob: 0422 893 898
Fax: 08 9493 4462
Email: byteme-its at westnet.com.au

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