[plug] re: Email rules
Jon L. Miller
jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Wed Feb 20 09:39:29 WST 2008
It is only from the outside that this rule needs to be applied. If I send
an e-mail that originated from a remote location from me to me then I want
this to be quarantined as the only time these users are using this system
is from inside. If they use it from outside the office then their e-mail
address in the FROM field would have a different domain on it. The only
exception would be if they are using the webmail system and that is
located inside.
On Wed, February 20, 2008 08:15, Gregory Orange wrote:
> Gavin Chester wrote:
>> On Tue, 2008-02-19 at 12:56 +0900, Jon Miller wrote:
>>> Like to know if anyone knows if there are rules in either Postfix or
>>> SA that prevents mail from entering the system if in the headers the
>>> TO: and FROM: are the same. I seem to think that there is a rule that
>>> states if the two fields has the same information and the mail
>>> originated from the Internet it was to either drop of delete the mail.
>> So are you saying that when I send emails to a group of recipients in
>> the way I described before (ie, from me to me, with them in the BCC)
>> that you and others will treat that as spam? Why? I thought it good
>> netiquette to do it that way and what harm could it possibly do the
>> recipient since I'm not obscuring my address? I would shudder to think
>> you might block ALL email that does that regardless of originating
>> address :-/
>> Gavin
> Aren't there other headers to check?
> Greg.
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Jon L. Miller, MCNE CNS CCNA
MMT Networks Pty Ltd
East Perth, WA 6004
WA, Australia
+61 89227 0892
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