[plug] error log help

Wilkinson, Alex alex.wilkinson at dsto.defence.gov.au
Fri Jul 4 12:34:49 WST 2008

   >I'm looking for a way of finding out why a particular process stopped
   >yesterday. I've searched through all sorts of logs ( the process log,
   >syslog and messages) and can see nothing. Does anyone know where I can
   >look to find out about certain processes either failed or when they went
   >into a zombie state?

0. Compile the program with debugging symbols

1. Kick off the process

2. Find the PID for the process

3. Attach gdb(1) to the process:

   #gdb <name of process> <pid>
   #gdb synergys 91124

4. set gdb to "break on exit"

   (gdb) b exit
      Breakpoint 1 at 0x2839d588

5. continue the running of your process:

   (gdb) cont

6. Wait for your process to die:

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    [Switching to Thread 0x82502e0 (LWP 100378)]
    0x282711df in std::_Rb_tree_increment () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5

7. Do a backtrace:

   (gdb) bt
      #0  0x282711df in std::_Rb_tree_increment () from /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5
      #1  0x0809a18f in std::_Rb_tree_iterator<std::pair<unsigned long const,
      std::allocator<CXWindowsClipboard::CReply*> > > >::operator++ (this=0xbfbfe464)
      at stl_tree.h:181
      #2  0x08097e24 in CXWindowsClipboard::pushReplies (this=0x83601a0) at
      #3  0x080956fd in CXWindowsClipboard::addRequest (this=0x83601a0,
      owner=12582916, requestor=37749691, target=256, time=8015062,-
          property=265) at CXWindowsClipboard.cpp:146
      #4  0x08088904 in CXWindowsScreen::handleSystemEvent (this=0x82d0160,
      event=@0xbfbfe630) at CXWindowsScreen.cpp:1212
      #5  0x0808f86f in TMethodEventJob<CXWindowsScreen>::run (this=0x82716a0,
      event=@0xbfbfe630) at TMethodEventJob.h:66
      #6  0x080d05dc in CEventQueue::dispatchEvent (this=0xbfbfe660,

      .... etc etc 

8. Fix the sucker!


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