[plug] Re: ghostscript or similar tweak needed

Mike Holland michael.holland at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 18:40:20 WST 2008

gavin chester wrote:

> Yes, I can use pdftk or gs to 'explode' the single file into multiple
> pages.

So won't they be automatically numbered? (with leading zeros)
Wildcards are expanded in sorting order, so it something like:

split foo.pdf
rotate *[13579].pdf
join *.pdf > new.pdf

> "gs combine 1.pdf, 2pdf, ... 109.pdf, 110.pdf". Quite tedious for 100+
> pages.

Ummm ... wildcards????
gs doesn't really want those commas, does it?
It can be done without wildcards:    "{1..110}.pdf,"
But scripting is one thing that is worth RTFMing.
Read the first few chapters of the camel book, and you'll be able to do 

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