[plug] Trying to modify php app to support mysql password hashing

caston at arach.net.au caston at arach.net.au
Sun Feb 1 00:04:49 WST 2009

OK I worked out how to do it.

I had to use find with args and pipe to grep.

it was under the gorum direction called dbproperty.php

I was able to modify that line and it nows creates users ok!


On Sat 31/01/09 10:43 PM , caston at arach.net.au sent:
> Hello,
> I have installing the software called ideabox on my webhost but when
> registering
> a new user in it I get the error that the password is over 32 characters.
> It's something to do with php password hashing. I search and found
> modification
> instructions for a program called Noah's classifieds but of course I
> couldn't
> find similar lines in ideabox.
> I know it's a big ask but if anyone can work out which lines I need to
> change
> i'll be very grateful and perhaps shout you a beer if you drink beer.
> http://ideabox.phpoutsourcing.com/
> thanks,
> Chris
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