[plug] Looking for light weight OS on CD

Bernd Felsche berfel at innovative.iinet.net.au
Sun Jul 12 21:33:47 WST 2009

James Clarke <jamesc at global.net.au> wrote:

>A friend of mine's 7 year old Dell laptop is falling to boot, due to a  
>head crash on the hard drive damaging the core OS (System 32 directory  
>on Windows XP) files.

>Looking for a light weight OS on a CD (tried Ubuntu 8.04, but gave up  
>after an hour and half and it still hadn't finished booting up) so I  
>can see if I can salvage anything from the Hard Drive on to a USB  
>Thumb drive.


>* Light weight OS on a CD (preferably Linux based)
>* Let's me read Fat32 and NTFS partitions on harddrive.
>* Let's me mount a USB thumb drive and write files to it
>* Wireless network card support (nice to have, but cable OK)
>* Reasonable web browser (Like Firefox 2 or better)
>* Works well on a 7 year old Dell Laptop

Knoppix is fairly comprehensive. Don't know about the wireless

There are others that are "lighter", including the SystemRescueCD,
but drivers are fairly limited. Again; wireless support is close to
/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
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