[plug] Upgrade from Debian 4 to Debian 5 gone wrong
Bret Busby
bret at busby.net
Wed Sep 16 12:45:53 WST 2009
I have just spent a couple of hours or so, trying to upgrade from Debian
4 to Debian 5, and have lost XWindows.
The error messages when I try to run start x, are
"Failed to load module "ati" (module does not exist, 0)"
"No drivers available"
I assume that the upgrade deleted the graphics card driver.
How do I fix this, so that XWindows will run?
Thanks in anticipation.
Bret Busby
West Australia
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you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992
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