[plug] Audio/Video Recording Project: request for more volunteers

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Sat Aug 13 12:57:32 WST 2011

Hello all,

As you may have seen, PLUG has taken to live video streaming and
recording its monthly tech presentations. We've had over 40 people
download the video (separate IP addresses) since it was put up, which is
a great result. As you would have seen, we're getting a bit more
polished every time; last week we had our audio mixing desk in use for
the first time which meant we had two microphones going; the audio does
sound better in the result, but we know we need more mics (eg: to get
audience questions).

There are several reasons why we are doing this:

  * Not everyone in Perth can make it every month; it may be too far to
    travel, or something else comes up, but you may have the time to
    watch at home
  * Not every PLUG member is in Perth - some are scattered across
    Western Australia, some interstate
  * We're using open source software to do this - so we're feeding back
    experience into the community
  * We're getting enough crew ready and practices that perhaps one day,
    PLUG could look at hosting Linux.Conf.Au again -- which these days
    does live video streams of every session

However, the AV project needs... more helpers! There's a fair bit of kit
-- not just to move around, but also operate -- to make the presentation
run smoothly. No experience is necessary, just subscribe to the AV
mailing list at http://lists.plug.org.au/mailman/listinfo/av, and come
along to any of the projects workshop meetings, and up as early as
possible to the presentations. You don't need to commit to come to
/every/ session; if we have enough people then we can hopefully get
enough people at each session.

So, if you'd like to support open source, help others who are remote to
participate, get PLUG up to speed to prepare for future LCA bids, or
just want to learn some AV skills, please subscribe to the mailing list
and come along and play with the kit. Your feedback from watching the
streams is also valuable to us!



/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2011: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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