[plug] 2014 Dry run Bid for LCA in Western Australia

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Fri Dec 16 12:01:08 WST 2011

On 16/12/2011 11:51 AM, Luke John wrote:
> Does anyone know what the attendance for previous years has been, or
> where that information may be found?
Only by asking those who ran it, I suspect. Perth was around 550 or so,
IIRC. Since then it's generally been on a slow increase, but never more
than 800 or 900 I think; but the expense of travel form the Eastern
states will depress numbers slightly from recent years.

FYI, UWA: Octagon theatre is 658 seats, Dolphin has 198, New Fortune
(outside) can do 508, Sommerville 1000, Winthrop hall 974.


PS: May want to move this thread to the UserConf list now I suspect....
/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2011: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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