[plug] Query about gateway computer settings
Bret Busby
bret.busby at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 12:14:54 WST 2011
On 24/03/2011, Jon L Miller <jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au> wrote:
> I thought about too, but thought it really doesn't matter; he obviously was
> talking to an idiot... of course you could ask the clown if he wants his
> firm to be responsible of hack attacks, virus outbreaks, spam mail, etc...
I think that they don't really care; and, it appeared to be the
attitude of all the people to whom I spoke at Optus, but put into
words by the first line of support, and not contradicted by the higher
level people, including the customer relations case manager.
I wonder, sometimes, about their intent in this - whether their intent
is to be able to gain unauthorised access clients' computers and data,
through clients not having protection against unauthorised access, if
they follow the advice of the Optus staff.
Bret Busby
West Australia
"So once you do know what the question actually is,
you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
written by Douglas Adams,
published by Pan Books, 1992
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