[plug] Reminder: meeting next week - How to work with IPv6 after the IPocalypse, by Carl Gherardi, Tues 10th May

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Tue May 3 11:31:37 WST 2011

Hello PLUG,

A reminder that next week (Tues 10th May) we're in Fremantle for our
monthly presentation, where Carl Gherardi is presenting "How to work
with IPv6 after the IPocalypse" at *L-3 Nautronix, 108 Marine Terrace,
Fremantle 6160*, starting at *7:30pm _sharp_*. Please come early to get
access; train travel to Fremantle may be delayed by the shipping
incident this morning that has damaged the rail bridge so plan ahead
(but I should think it will be OK inside a week).

We would like to invite anyone who wants to give a "*lightning talk*" to
contact me as well. A lightning talk is around 5 minutes or less,
doesn't require slides or any other materials. If you've been doing
something interesting let others know.

As always, please pay your (token!) PLUG membership. Details are on the
PLUG web site (BSB 633-108, account 122 346 679; $10 standard, $5
concession).Please do this before next week and we can try and issue
membership cards next week at the meeting. *PLUG needs your membership
as a show of support for it to continue*.

Unfortunately this presentation will NOT be streamed live; the AV team
will endeavour to record the presentation and will try and make this
available at some stage afterwards. I think Peter in Katanning will be
organising a gathering around a week later to watch the presentation for
those in that region. If anyone on the PLUG list would like to help
record the presentations, please sign up for the AV project mailing list
(check the PLUG web site); no experience necessary.

We're still looking for volunteers for various efforts:

  * Software Freedom Day - work out what PLUG should do
  * Presentation organisation - find and schedule speakers
  * Workshop & Installfest - find a venue, pick a date, get people to
    come along
  * Other events? BBQ? Laser tag? Dinner? - we have a PLUG in the Pub at
    the end of this month - Mon 23rd!
  * Promotion & Publicity in general
  * Branding - new logos? banners/posters?
  * Other projects?

I've been polling people to find out what changes we should do for the
monthly meetings, and the feedback is we should try and keep central and
close to transport links, include lightning talks (see above), and move
the start time earlier. While we're not changing next week's meeting
time (7:30pm) , we'll look at that for the June meeting at IBM - let us
know you're feedback.

Lastly, we've been looking at bringing a speaker in from over east, but
the costs are around $1,000 or so (flights + accommodation + food,
possibly  a little less, but that's a ball park). However, we're
thinking we should not dip into funds for this (unless the 300 people on
the mailing list who haven't paid their membership want to pay up!). In
which case, would you be interested in paying $50 each to have a well
known (Australian) speaker come to Perth to talk one month?

As always, suggestions, ideas, and volunteers welcome!


Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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