No subject

Tue Nov 29 10:43:08 WST 2011

what mode you are in at the bottom of the screen, either
blank, --INSERT-- or --REPLACE--.

Debian 2.2's default installation, runs VIM in 'Vi compatible mode' which
doesnt show you at all what mode you're in, im guessing this is just for
compatibility reasons (but WHY?!). Type ":set nocp" and you're into vim's
slightly more friendlier mode. :) Yes it even shows the cursor position

Vim has it's uses, its definitely bandwidth friendlier than most, but
seriously guys it's all about preferences. If you don't like an editor,
don't use it. It's fair enough to comment on the good or bad points of an
editor, just dont start dissing them...


 Bernard Blackham
 dagobah at

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