[plug] split dns based on destination domain/cc

Brad Campbell brad at fnarfbargle.com
Sat Aug 11 07:59:50 WST 2012

On 10/08/12 22:26, William Kenworthy wrote:
> Not being a DNS expert I am looking for some ideas on how to solve a
> challenge - I am running Bind as an internal caching nameserver with a
> few private zones with iinet as upstream.
> I would like to do a split DNS where queries for .com go to a nameserver
> in the US via a VPN, whilst anything else stays with iinet.  Bind can
> use views but they are based on client address matches, not domain as
> far as I can see.
> Any ideas?
Yep. Put dnsmasq in front of bind and tell it to route all *.com queries to the specific nameserver 
you want.
It's very flexible like that.

I have it set up at my folks place on their openwrt router. All normal queries go to the standard 
isp resolvers, but anything destined for .home gets sent to my internal dns over an openvpn tunnel. 
Means that even while I'm on their network, all my names resolve but I don't have to wait for all 
the queries to be piped over the vpn to my server (which is how it used to work).

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