[plug] TPG / Wondercom Fiber to the Building

Michael Van Delft michael at hybr.id.au
Wed May 11 09:51:36 AWST 2016

Hey Pluggers,

I've been up north for a few weeks and just got back to find a letter
from TPG saying they have connected Fiber to the Building where I live
and are offering connections "From 50Mbps to 100Mbps" through a their
retail arm called Wondercom.

Before I sign up I'd love to hear from anyone who has used their
service before. I'm with Internode and I play a few games. I care more
about latency than I do about bandwidth and I usually get around 56ms
ping times to Sydney.

Also I really like having a static IPv4 address and IPv6 so I can
directly SSH into any of my home machines without needing to mess
around with port forwarding.

Has anyone had any experience with Wondercom?


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