[plug] Filesystems for lots of inodes
Gregory Orange
home at oranges.id.au
Mon Jan 6 11:41:58 AWST 2020
We've been using CephFS for over a year for our pilot sync system. It also seems to refuse to lose data, although it's hardly busy with any sort of production load.
-- Gregory Orange
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, 5 January 2020 8:31 PM, Chris Hoy Poy <chris at hoypoy.id.au> wrote:
> You would end up running xfs on top of ceph anyway :-) (unless you don't care about your data, then you could give cephfs a try !)
> /Chris
> On Sun, 5 Jan 2020, 8:29 pm Gregory Orange, <home at oranges.id.au> wrote:
>> I suppose I should mention Ceph since we're talking about resilient storage systems, but it's likely out of scope here. Bare minimum of three physical nodes, scales up real big. Refuses to lose data, despite our valiant attempts over the past three years. Mimic version is probably better suited to production loads than Nautilus given our recent experiences. It's an object store, so if you want file, that's at least one more layer on top.
>> -- Gregory Orange
>> Sent from phone
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> On 4 Jan 2020, 13:20, Brad Campbell < brad at fnarfbargle.com> wrote:
>>> On 4/1/20 1:01 pm, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
>>>> Hi Brad,
>>>> I have had a lot of pain from ext4 over the years and have really
>>>> only started using it again seriously recently ... and I must admit, its
>>>> a lot better than it was but I will move off it when I get time - been
>>>> burnt by it too often.
>>>> reiserfs3 was my goto for inode problems in the past (its still there,
>>>> and I think maintained) but I moved to btrfs after the Hans Reiser saga
>>>> and while it has its ups and downs, stability under punishment that
>>>> kills ext3/4 with live scrub and snapshots made it great.
>>>> Currently I am moving to moosefs on xfs and am impressed - particularly
>>>> with xfs so far. Live power off, various failure tests etc. and I have
>>>> not lost any data.
>>>> For backup I use moosefs snapshots and borgbackup (main repository is
>>>> also on moosefs - daily + some data is 10 minutely, as well as an
>>>> offline borgbackup on btrfs removable drive, this once a week or so) as
>>>> the backup software. I previously used dirvish for many years though it
>>>> had a tendency to eat ext4 file systems, it was great on reiserfs and
>>>> btrfs.
>>>> Hope this helps with ideas.
>>> G'day Bill,
>>> It does. Thanks. Interesting how peoples experiences differ. I've always
>>> used ext[234], abused them severely and never lost a byte.
>>> My only foray into an alternative filesystem was helping a mate with a
>>> large btrfs layout, but after it "ran out of space" and ate about 13T of
>>> his data, and the response from the developers was "yeah, it can do
>>> that" we never looked at it again. A bit like bcache, it always seemed
>>> to be "almost there as long as you only use it in certain circumstances
>>> that never expose the corner cases".
>>> I'll have a serious play with xfs and see how it performs. I know all
>>> the little NAS WD Mybooks I've bought over the years have all had xfs as
>>> their main storage pool, but I've always converted them to ext[234].
>>> I'll add moosefs and borgbackup to my long list of "must take a look at
>>> that one day".
>>> Regards,
>>> Brad
>>> --
>>> An expert is a person who has found out by his own painful
>>> experience all the mistakes that one can make in a very
>>> narrow field. - Niels Bohr
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