[plug] Getting Linux to work on old computers

charles todd ctodd000 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 25 09:46:53 AWST 2021

A number of old NEC computers (Windows Vista era) have arrived in my
workshop and I am keen to install Linux on these for use in Senior Centres.

Although these work with Vista and Windows 7, I cannot get any of the
computers to install Linux. Trials so far include:-

   1. USB with various Linux Distros, eg Mint, Ubuntu failed to boot.
   2. A purchased custom USB for Linux also failed. This was designed for
   "old" computers.
   3. The USB ports are working, I have installed Windows without problems.
   The installation disk was recognised by the computer and showed all the
   files present.
   4. Linux was installed on a DVD disk (right-click iso etc.) The Disk
   drive was working and the installation disk initially stated Linux on the
   monitor, then a box was displayed with Linux options. The box was not
   active using any key on the keypad including the TAB key suggested.
   5. A second disc was made using another Linux Distro which performed as
   the first.
   6. Recommendations on the Linux pages suggest disabling the "fast boot"
   There does not appear to be a fast boot option.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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