From chair at Wed Dec 11 06:43:43 2024 From: chair at (Harry McNally) Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 06:43:43 +0800 Subject: [plug] 2025 Message-ID: <> Hello The committee has been discussing our talk programme for 2025 and the question that came up is if we've asked what people's interests are -then- plan meetings or organise speakers. Because I was invited up into the chair role prior to our 2025 AGM on January 14 (save that), I promised Nick I'd make this request. So if you have any subjects that pique your interest and but haven't found the round tuit, let us know. Please reply to the list. I've (with some help) set up on the server to send this email. My server DMARC is too strict and (while that is the RightWay) it means the Mailman we are running adjusts the headers and smaller mail servers like gmail drop my messages. Some aspest of past email config means this address will likely bounce. Please be kind if you bump ReplyAll. Our plan is to upgrade to the latest Mailman 2 which apparently modifies the headers without offending the Goog. This, like many other PLUG server upgrades has some circular depenence on some other fix (bucket - Eliza) so we are trying to find ways to nibble away at small independent fixes. This could be a conversation for another thread. I'll put my own request in because of an interest in batteries and automotive to have a talk about socketcan with examples. I'm also interested in energy management and Home Assistant from people who are making energy savings rather than turning the lights on and off :-) Now, lets see if this works .. All the best Harry