[plug] Upcoming events: May 2024 and beyond

Nick Bannon nick at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Mon May 27 00:53:46 AWST 2024

Hello, everyone! Lovely to see some list activity this month, and it's
great to see the new membership and recent renewals.

If you're keen for a social event, see you this Thursday for
PLUG-in-the-Pub, east in Bassendean (should be $1 wings night!) -
details on the events calendar on the website; and below.

Bring a friend or two to this or any event to check us out, let's try
and expand our reach a bit.

We've got our regular timeslots:
- second Tuesday talks/seminars/workshops
- second Sunday hack afternoons
- PLUG-in-the-Pub every alternate month;
...or we can move for special events.
We might be due for an outing - does anyone want to show off their
workplace or passion?

The June talk is locked in: Turning your Editor into an IDE with the
Language Server Protocol by James Henstridge. See you at Spacecubed,
or online for the video streaming.

Hope everyone had a happy Towel Day, Saturday; and let's finish up
National Volunteer Week with a callout - PLUG needs you! A lot of us
can't sign up to big commitments these days, but rest assured, PLUG's
not that kind of organisation. We're here so that fellow geeks with a
freedom bent can talk to each other and have a reason to get together.
There's more specialised groups in Perth, but we cover a lot of ground.

We run on the cheaper end of things, but if you like our activities,
please do join up! https://www.plug.org.au/membership/

Most of our activity is WYSIWYG at our calendared meetings.
- if something needs doing, that's likely when and where it's going to happen
- if people can make it one time and not another, that's just how it works
- https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/get-involved/nvw/

If you are able to help us out beyond the one-offs, we can recognise
you with a title, or even effectively co-opt you onto the committee.
- drinks and snacks/"quartermaster"/catering
- venue liason
- speaker liason
- sponsors
- social media event promotion
No one need be out of pocket for PLUG jobs.
We've been leaning on the same people to bring drinks, snacks, AV
equipment to each meeting - there's ways to lighten that load to something
day-pack sized, public-transport-compatible; and we can take turns.

- Organisational admin/ops
  - locking in agendas for our Second Tuesday and Second Sunday monthly events                                          
  - Publishing and cross-checking our events: https://github.com/plugorgau/calendar-check
  - Recommend a good day-of-week for your local PLUG-in-the-Pub
  - Website updates
  - Event planning, runsheets
- Infra/PLUG tech todo
  - Tests: test the servers/services, make a change, did it work?
  - Backups
  - Upgrades
  - Fixes: mailman and archives
  - Security: IDS? OWASP? fail2ban is not just for ssh!
  - Bridge #plug:matrix.org to irc.plug.org.au ?
    - Onboard more people to https://joinmatrix.org/ https://matrix.org/try-matrix/ ?
  - Cloud cost control
- PLUG AV/project
  - Setup and teardown: what works, what doesn't, what's missing? can we parallelise?
  - fighting entropy, making it a little better in the half-hour before
    each meeting until it's conference-grade again
  - Research and shopping
  - if we can get a solid AV refresh plan together, we've got grant offers
    waiting to sponsor us and grant writers to get that happening

TITLE: PLUG-in-the-Pub May 2024
DATE: Last Thursday 2024-05-30 (every two months)
TIME: 18:00--20:00
VENUE: https://www.4matesburger.com.au/
    Shop 23A, Hawaiian’s Bassendean (Upper Deck Car Park, West Rd, Bassendean WA 6054)
COST: Your own drinks and food
URL: https://www.meetup.com/perth-linux-users-group-plug/events/300878524

Nick, PLUG Vice-Chair 2024.

   Nick Bannon   | "I made this letter longer than usual because
nick-sig at rcpt.to | I lack the time to make it shorter." - Pascal

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