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I am hoping that someone can help with a Redhat and Mylex Acc170
<br>card install problem
<p>I have a client's machine that I wish to install Red Hat 7 on
that has
<br>a MylesxAcc170 raid card . I do a "Expert Install" from the Red
<br>install disk so that I can specify the "DAC960" driver as part of the
<br>install. This is where it falls over and does not add the
device .
<br>Being that the Mylex Acc170 is a relatively new card I suspect
that the
<br>current "DAC960" driver does not support this model.
<p>Looking at the <A HREF="http://www.dandelion.com/Linux/DAC960.html">http://www.dandelion.com/Linux/DAC960.html</A>
website for
<br>more info, it states that a driver is available and can be added to
<br>Kernel. However since I have not yet installed linux on this
machine I
<br>cannot recompile the kernel with this new driver
<p>What I would like to know is how can I create a Driver disk with
<br>latest Mylex drivers so that I can get carry on with the
<br>installation.? Or is there a better method to get out of this chicken
<br>and egg scenario.
Michael De Santis michael@harvestroad.com
Systems Administrator Harvestroad Limited
<A HREF="http://www.harvestroad.com">http://www.harvestroad.com</A></pre>