Hi All,<br><br>Thought someone might be interested in the following equipment<br><br>Cisco AS5300 8 E1 ports, 240 modems - $1200<br>Cisco AS5300 4 E1 ports, 120 modems - $800<br>2 x Sun Ultra 5 - $100 each<br>Sun Ultra 10 - $150<br>
Sony SDT-S9000 External DDS3 tape drive - $100<br>Bay Networks Centillion100 Switch chassis with following cards - $200<br> 3 x 20 100Mb cards<br> 1 x ATM card<br>Cisco Catalyst 3512-XL - $100<br>2 x Cisco 2620 router - $250 each<br>
2 x Cisco 1003 ISDN router - $10 each<br><br>E-mail me direct or ring 0432 927 801 to discuss.<br><br>Andrew<br>