I hope this has not already been discussed [could not access archive]:<br>
it seems sometime soon [if it has not already happened] someone will ask us to<br>
fix their iPad. I guess there is ~'The Apple Way' but could we possibly do some prevention by opening the<br>
case to find serial port pins, connecting a serial port [any method to fix<br>
one permanently so you don't have to always open the cover?] then backup with<br>
a dd disk image so it can be restored later if needed [for someone else's],<br>
and if you happen to own one yourself then backup before adding Ubuntu or<br>
something ... how much hard work would this be, is it practical and does<br>
anyone know how useable the alternative touch systems turn out to be?<br>
thank you<br>Daniel<br><div class="yj6qo ajU"><div id=":4g" class="ajR" tabindex="0"><img class="ajT" src="images/cleardot.gif"></div></div>