We really appreciate people supporting PLUG by becoming a financial Member. Membership fees allow us to fund meetings, inter-state and international guest speakers, and other activities in support of Linux and Free & Open Source Software (FOSS). By becoming a Member you also earn the right to vote at our Annual General Meeting. Plus a whole swag of other events we run throughout the year.


Membership costs are $50 per year, or $20 per year for students/concession.

To join PLUG as a new Member, please complete the signup form and make a payment (see below).

Existing or past members can login to the Membership section to update contact details and check your membership status. If you have forgotten your password, use your email address to reset your password.


PLUG welcomes donations for the same reasons as becoming a Member: to support its activities! As a registered non-profit association you can be assured any financial donations stay within PLUG to benefit members and the community at large. One of the best ways to help is by donating your time to help or lead activities. We also need hardware from time to time depending on the projects being run.

Methods of Payment

  1. Direct Deposit to the PLUG bank account:

    BSB 633000
    Account 122346679

    Ensure you also follow up with an email to committee@plug.org.au with your name and how much and if it’s a membership or donation. Including your name in the reference will also help match up the deposit.

  2. Cash at an event