[PLUG-AV] DRAFT LA Grant request for AV

Harry McNally harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Thu Apr 14 09:30:12 WST 2011

Hi James and others

On 13/04/11 20:56, James Bromberger wrote:
>   Hi AV/ctte,
> Here's my first draft - but feel free to rip it up and start again! Have
> a look at http://www.linux.org.au/projects/grants. Please suggest
> corrections.
> Main point is we're asking for $5k, and they say the maximum per month
> is $2k. Lets make it sounds good. But if they give us this money, we
> need a few more people on list to stop lurking and start talking! Even
> better, come along and help out! :)

I see the limit on the LA grants page but also that PLUG has committed $1000
to kick off so that shows PLUG commitment.

> May give these guys a call tomorrow too:
> http://www.lotterywest.wa.gov.au/grants/faqs/grant-steps

There is also the Perth Convention Bureau who may fund a group willing to
build tools and a team for streaming events. http://www.pcb.com.au/Home.aspx
There are two sides to it though. PCB wants to attract local confs (as you
know from LCA 2003) which get people here. Remote streaming doesn't achieve
the people getting but could be seen as a useful resource for conferences.

Is there anyone on the PLUG list that does this work and would benefit from
the project outcomes by moving to Free tools ?

Who would PLUG, gear, and Free tools be "competing" with in Perth if it was
used for more than PLUG talks ?

A quick goog says:
http://www.mcb.wa.gov.au/FuneralServices/Webcasting.aspx  <- a few of these(!)

Also, for the LA grant, would promoting other uses of the system detract from
the grant objective to broadcast Linux and OSS presentations to a wider audience ?

In putting the application, could the system be justified by obtaining
expressions of interest or intent to use the system from
BarCamp http://barcamp.org/w/page/401351/BarCampPerth (talk to Matt Didcoe)
through to Green Drinks http://www.greendrinks.org//Perth
(someone, Julie? has replaced Wilma Van Boxtel http://o2wa.blogspot.com/)

If the intention is communication of only Free and OSS projects and activities
then that can be expressed as the scope for uses of the system. LA may see
justification for the project funding if it is used more widely than the PLUG

Also, if PLUG can justify a small fee for non-PLUG event streaming, would LA
consider an interest free loan for all or part of the funds with expectation
of recovery of funds over 5 years or something ?

I didn't see the stream but I wondered if the system could include a chat
window on the web page so everything is available through the browser ?
This would be more like Webinar interfaces I've used for manufacturer
promotions etc and makes it even easier for people to participate.

I don't know if L3-Nautronix would provide bandwidth but could the system be
used to gain a wider audience next month and present audience numbers to LA as
further justification for the grant ? What concerns me is that people had the
chance to just try the system (regardless of the content of my talk) but the
streaming audience was small. I'm wondering if a more mainstream talk will
attract numbers that justify not only the funding but also support the effort
of you, the team, doing this.

On the technical side, Jason says the encoding only uses a single core (is
that right?) so I wonder if getting an older laptop with single core is a
cheaper alternative or if a project might be made of finding or modifying
encoder software to use multiple cores. (Caveat) I know nothing about the area
and haven't searched for more information.

For the grant application, I think the DV cameras with firewire live output
will need to be found and priced. Is there some risk for the system if only
second-hand cameras can be used ?

Are Mac Books considered a better option for robustness, hardware reliability,
cost ?

I agree with Jason about documentation, if you think the software tools are
"enough" to make a reasonably robust system then refining, automating and
documenting the configuration and building of the system presents a better
case to LA or another funding group. It could include site setup and operation
of the system also for less Linux skilled people to run the system.

I've got to do less free. But perhaps I could help out with some documentation.

All the best

> Date:* April 2011
> *Project Name:* PLUG A/V Single Room Video Streaming
> *Aim of Project: *
> To make available a live video and audio stream of the proceedings of
> PLUG technical talks to help enable remote members to benefit from and
> participate  in the proceedings.
> *Person Responsible for Request:* James Bromberger, PLUG President 2011
> *Request:
> *Funds to facilitate the purchase of equipment to enable the streaming
> project:
>     * Permit remote viewing of the proceedings of the PLUG technical
>       presentations, making it available to members and non-members
>       alike, especially for those who live quite some distance from Perth.
>     * To give the PLUG community the opportunity to participate in
>       various potential off-shoot projects, such as:
>         *  Improvements and feed back to the DVswitch suite, or another
>           suite should that be selected
>         *  Branding and promotion of PLUG
>         *  Provide a platform for the distribution of relevant content.
>         * Custom modifications for camera equipment - dollies, booms, etc.
>     * To enthuse the local PLUG community, and demonstrate that the
>       association is achieving its objects and goals
>     * To create a check list for doing similar streaming "at scale" for
>       any future potential conference requirements
>     * To develop a skill set within the PLUG community for producing
>       video streams, again for any future potential conference requirements
>     * To give the speakers/presenters at PLUG meetings the famiiarity
>       with performing public presentations and being recorded
> To meet these goals we intend to:
> Use open source/free software in as many aspects of the production as
> possible (eg, mumble for crew communication)
> Adopt
> Thus far PLUG has spent AU$1,000 on obtaining one wireless mic, a
> Twinpact scan/capture device, several headsets (for mumble communication
> between AV team members), several firewire capture cards. In addition,
> for a proof of concept, several donated (old) PCs were obtained; PLUG
> has successfully demonstrated a live stream of the PLUG meeting on 12
> April 2011 (streamed, not recorded), which was warmly recieved by
> participants as far away as Katanning (WA), and Queensland.
> However, PLUG does not yet have a host capable of encoding, nor its own
> DV cameras and associated equipment (borrowed from random members), and
> the  donated PCs while functional, are impracticable to transport to
> various venues.
> This grant is to cover the purchase of:
>     * 2nd hand Mac Books, with firewire, to act as capture terminals (x 3)
>     * DV cameras (x 2)
>     * Tripods for cameras (x 2)
>     * 4 channel audio mixer (x 1)
>     * Additional wireless mic (x 1)
>     * Encoding box (x 1)
>     * Small gigabit Ethernet switch (x 1)
> PLUG anticipates this equipment to come to* AU$5,000*. As mentioned,
> PLUG has already committed $1,000 from its membership income to help
> facilitate this project.
> We see the distribution of LUG presentations as live video streams a key
> enabling technology to continue to reach out to the community of users
> and developers. If each LUG had a similar one-stream set up, the
> national community could "virtually attend" all LUG events.
>   James
> -- 
> Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to
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