[PLUG-AV] Issue with streaming (but not recording) for next PLUG Meeting May 10th 2011

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Wed Apr 27 23:35:36 WST 2011

On 26/04/2011 5:23 PM, Great Southern Computer Services wrote:
> On 26/04/11 11:02, James Bromberger wrote:
>> *I am sorry to say, but I think the decision needs to be that we will
>> have to record the next PLUG presentation and post it on-line after
>> review.* I've been trying to resist this as I know that makes it
>> difficult for you, Peter, trying to get things started in Katanning,
>> and others who would like to watch remotely.
> While it would be nice to be a part or 'every' PLUG event, I realise
> there will be times when this just isn't practical.  It's only early
> days...  I'm confident that as time goes on there will increasing
> opportunities for Remote Links.

Yep, I've looked at the options and I think we're best to comply and
record this next session. At the time the talk was organised, we we're
even any where near ready to stream so it wasn't an issue - happily we
managed to pull one out of the hat last month and get something working.
But thi is something i have already noted with IBM for the June meeting
at their location.

> In the mean time, I continue to 'plug' away at my end and encourage
> others from around my area to get involved, even if it means eating
> pizza and talking amongst ourselves...  ;-)
> Obviously the issue of 'location' is somewhat irrelevant in our
> case....  other than having some bandwidth available but as already
> noted, it'll all work out eventually.
> Looking forward to watching the recording, if nothing else....  May
> even put our meeting back a week to give you some to edit/upload the
> session. 

Sounds sensible.


Mobile: +61 422 166 708, Email: james_AT_rcpt.to

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