[PLUG-AV] IT Auction

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Fri May 13 09:11:23 WST 2011

Hey James,

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 12:50 AM, James Bromberger <james at rcpt.to> wrote:

>  Any of this look interesting - auction 18th May - bunch of SFF machines in
> here.... Acer Veriton L460 USFF Dual Cores:
> http://www.auctions.com.au/auctions/2011/05/18/massive-relocation-clearance-computer-it-auction.html#0
> We could pick up a few 15" or 17" LCDs as well (need one or two more -
> small ones are good for transporting....

Going by the recent run of IT Auctions there the SFF machines will be going
for ~ $150 mark depending on specs and the 19" screens ~$90 (don't know
about 17" screens) so all up ~$240 + 15% buyers premium. FYI there are
usually bulk buyers for the SFF machines for some reason and will literally
buy all of them and not sure what they're prepared to bid up to. Less
interest in the full-size machines and laptops.

The Macbook laptops (they have another 20 going) have been going for ~$350
(plus premium). Not sure about pricing on the other brands.

The bulk lots FYI (with the 15" screens) are really that, usually a pallet
full and you have to buy the whole lot!

Jason Nicholls
jason at mindsocket.com.au
0430 314 857
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