[PLUG-AV] Quick update

Harry McNally harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au
Tue May 17 18:18:06 WST 2011

On 17/05/11 18:09, Tim Bowden wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 18:05 +0800, Jason Nicholls wrote:
>> something to test at the next workshop for sure.

Shame it didn't flicker to off when panning to my little Zzz in the back row ;)

My excuse was I was at the Bell Tower at 5.30 for a morning group cycle as I'm
want to do for some reason.

The talk was actually interesting despite the length because it was a good
overview for an IPv6 noob (/me).

I'll view it again with picture flicker in mind. I scanned through sections of
it the first time.

All the best

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