[PLUG-AV] I have a mixer, a mic, and a whole bunch of cables.

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Tue Jul 12 08:23:05 WST 2011

Hello all,

Today I took delivery of a Beringer 12 channel mixer, one Shure PG48
mic, and a bunch of XLR cables, and a small 8 port gig switch here in SF
- so clearly this wont be with you in time for tonight's meeting, but in
another 2 weeks when I am back. good luck tonight. Ill try and watch
from here (though in 10 hours time, at 18:30pm WST it will be 2:30am
here in SF so I may be asleep!).

/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2011: http//www.plug.org.au
Perth.pm Organiser 2011: http://perth.pm.org
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