[PLUG-AV] Workshop results

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Mon Aug 1 22:46:15 WST 2011

Hi all,

We had about 6 of us at one time working on the AV kit - thanks to
everyone who turned up and had a go on the equipment.

It was reasonably quick this week getting everything set up. The good:

* The new switch worked fine!
* Using the host names "av2.local" worked for everything
(dvsource-firewire, and mumble)

Our main issues we found form the night were:

* The new audio mixer has a rather weird power adaptor that isn't
accepting of 240V, so we need to try and get an AU version of it.
* The audio capture on AV1 still doesn't work, so should be used for the
Twinpact capture (Jason's recommendation, I agree)
* The AV2 box can take some time to POST during boot; just wait for it....

We also managed to get one tally light built, but not yet working
(starting dvsource-firewire with the "-t" flag prints tally information
on STDOUT; need to find/write a script to open/close serial port...)

Now, we've got one week until our next outing at UCC at UWA; parking in
Red and Yellow pages is restricted at UWA until 5pm
(http://www.parking.uwa.edu.au/parking/handbook/student). So I'll be
trying to park probably around 5:30pm by the UWA Tavern with all the kit
ready for us to lug it up stairs and get set up; we need to have a video
stream working by around 6:15pm, ready for a 6:30pm start.

/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2011: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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