[PLUG-AV] PLUG meeting this Tuesday

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Sat Nov 5 19:41:57 WST 2011

Hi all,

We're at Artifactory this week for PLUG - Jason, you have AV2 I believe
and Michael, you have what's left of AV4 and AV1 or 3 I think - both of
which had broken down - were you (Michael) able to resurrect either of
these over the last few weeks?

We're starting to get a little short on working capture boxes: ideally
we'd have 3 for capture, and one (AV2) for mixing, and right now I
suspect we have just one working.

It would be good to get to Artifactory early this time -- since there's
no parking restrictions, etc, and actually use Mumble this time (and
actually move the cameras around a bit and get some close ups of people
talking, listening, etc instead of just wide shots).

I'm going to chase up LotteryWest next week as well to see where we are
now with our grant....

/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2011: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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