[PLUG-AV] FFMPeg in Debian testing

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Sat Dec 10 22:50:29 WST 2011

I know Jason was playing with compiling this from source to be a little
more up-to-date, but FYI - FFmpeg 0.8.7 (current) has hit Debian testing.

So this Tuesday we're on again - I'll try and be there just after free
parking starts at UWA which think is 5pm. We should be able to have at
least two cameras up and running, so a 4 man crew (audio eng, video mix,
2 x camera).

/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2011: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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