[PLUG-AV] trial at video intro/exit screens

James Bromberger james at rcpt.to
Fri Mar 16 16:06:22 WST 2012

On 16/03/2012 3:46 PM, Jason Nicholls wrote:
>     Looks good. Can we do a transition from the white to the video?
>     Perhaps only .5 second, but it just makes it a little smoother???
> Not with my knowledge of ffmpeg or other command line tools to do it
> in an automated way. Having it transition implies mixing multiple
> video streams and ffmpeg (encoder) is simply concatenating them
> together. Any suggestions people?

May be buried somewhere in https://raw.github.com/CarlFK/veyepar/master/

/Mobile:/ +61 422 166 708, /Email:/ james_AT_rcpt.to
PLUG President 2012: http://www.plug.org.au <http//www.plug.org.au>
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