[PLUG-AV] LotteryWest have funded us!

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Fri Apr 20 00:45:24 WST 2012

Bigger doesn't mean better with the video camera. From what I can surmise
it's just their top end consumer bits shoved into a pro case. The HV20 /
HV30 / HV40 outperforms it. My preferences is still those if we can find
availability. I'm sure the HVR-HD1000P will still be much better than the
cameras we currently have, but no use paying more for it than the HVx0

I may not be able to mumble tomorrow (well today / Friday) evening - i'll
be on if I'm home.

Sorry I'm flat out with a project atm and don't have time to ring around
places to find availability on the cameras tomorrow - perhaps next week.

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 8:51 PM, James Bromberger <james at rcpt.to> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> So $2,508 came into our account tonight! We're ready to purchase the next
> items.
> We said about getting the two cameras next, which we had selected the
> Canon HV40 (now out of stock from Camera Warehouse at $1219 each).  There
> are other vendors, but I wonder if this model is as good as what we could
> get at this price.
> Looking around at other models, there's a semi-professional Sony
> HVR-HD1000P for $1327.
> http://outbackphoto.com.au/product/ID365C6/hvrhd1000p-_Sony-HVR_HD1000P-Digital-High-Definition-HDV-PAL-Camcorder-/
> Anyone got some time to mumble tomorrow evening on this? Say, 7:30pm?
> Comments and suggestions welcome!
> --
> *Mobile:* +61 422 166 708, *Email:* james_AT_rcpt.to
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Jason Nicholls
jason at mindsocket.com.au
0430 314 857
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