[PLUG-AV] Audio sync, was Re: Perth Meta Meetup Wednesday 1st Aug.

Nick Bannon nick at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Tue Aug 7 21:04:00 WST 2012

On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 12:18:34AM +0800, Bret Treasure wrote:
> I have one issue and that is lip sync. It becomes an obvious problem
> towards the end of my bit, from about 41 mins on. If that's a fixable
> thing, would ask that it be tweaked; if not, bad luck.

Hi! Thanks for all the feedback, we need it.

I suspect the syncing depends a lot on the video player, but there's a
lot of tweaking you can do on the encoder/multiplexer end to make it more
robust. I find it tricky to figure out the perfect sync or maybe I'm just
not seeing the problem in this case - I tried mplayer and vlc on the new
almost-wheezy Debian GNU/Linux, and on Windows 7 I tried the in-browser
video player in Chrome, vlc and WMP.  Certainly if I delay the audio it
seems to get worse...? but making it earlier doesn't seem to help.

How far off would you say it is and what player are you using?

I found this handy for testing:
mplayer -osdlevel 3 -ss 41:00 -endpos 10 -delay 0.2 www.plug.org.au/video/2012/2012-08-01-AWIA-AGM.mp4


   Nick Bannon   | "I made this letter longer than usual because
nick-sig at rcpt.to | I lack the time to make it shorter." - Pascal

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