[PLUG-AV] Reminder - AV Workshop *this Saturday* (20th)

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Mon Apr 15 12:31:13 UTC 2013

As an LCA planning / preparation activity the food will be covered. If
people would like a few beers and that sort of thing at the end of the day
then please BYO.

On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Leon Wright <techman83 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> To add to Jason's email, I'll be putting on a cooked breakfast to get us
> started. It'll be just the basics (bacon/eggs/toast), but if those aren't
> your thing we do have plenty of spreads and some cereal. If you want to
> bring something for me to bbq, go ahead!
> As for lunch/dinner, I was thinking the following:
> Subway platter for lunch - $40 for the 5 - 8 platter. I'll need to order
> friday night at the latest, so a firm indication your attending will be
> required.
> Pizza for dinner - We have a local pizza shop which makes some really good
> pizza!
> If we all chip in, it should be $10 - $15/person. I have a fridge full of
> water and plan to restock my soft drink later in the week. Have plenty of
> the usual tea/coffee/milo etc as well.
> Leon
> --
> DRM 'manages access' in the same way that jail 'manages freedom.'
> # cat /dev/mem | strings | grep -i cats
> Damn, my RAM is full of cats... MEOW!!
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Jason Nicholls <jason at mindsocket.com.au>wrote:
>> A reminder to everyone the AV Workshop is on *this Saturday* 20th April
>> starting at 7:30am.
>> So far we have:
>>    - me - Jason
>>    - Euan
>>    - Luke
>>    - Michael
>>    - Leon (it's his house!)
>>    - James (maybe)
>> Anyone else, please get in touch! I don't think I mentioned what
>> skills/help we need for the workshop but it's pretty broad so please come
>> along even if you're hesitant. We need some shell / script / web
>> developers; we need general HW help with the systems, audio, and video; and
>> anyone just willing to take on a task and roll with it - e.g. learn about
>> the "Melt (MLT) tool and how we can use it for video intro/exit/titles".
>> If you haven't already, please try to log into Request Tracker (av-team
>> queue) as we'll use that to manage the list of things todo. I've already
>> added the items Euan raised plus some of my own. You should log in using
>> your PLUG userid/password (forgotten your password<https://secure.plug.org.au/ugmm/memberself>
>> ?)
>> Request Tracker: https://secure.plug.org.au/rt/
>> Jason Nicholls
>> jason at mindsocket.com.au
>> 0430 314 857
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Jason Nicholls
jason at mindsocket.com.au
0430 314 857
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