[PLUG-AV] [admin-plug.org.au 6021] Re: AWS Hosting

Euan de Kock euan at dekock.net
Tue Feb 18 08:10:49 UTC 2014

Thanks James.



On 18 February 2014 1:38:37 PM AWST, "Bromberger, James" <jameseb at amazon.com> wrote:
>Hi all,
>FYI I’ve spoken with Nick today and we’ve applied the voucher.
>  James
>James Bromberger | Solution Architect | Amazon Web Services
>E: jameseb at amazon.com<mailto:jameseb at amazon.com>   P: +61 422 166 708  
>From: Euan de Kock [mailto:euan at dekock.net]
>Sent: Monday, 17 February 2014 5:16 PM
>To: Bromberger, James; Paul Del; Luke John; PLUG Admin; PLUG Committee;
>Subject: Re: [admin-plug.org.au 6021] Re: AWS Hosting
>Hi James,
>Afaik I do still have that voucher, but I seem to recall giving you (or
>someone...) the number to enter as I didn't have access. It was a while
>back, so my memory is a bit vague on this.
>I will get it tonight and we can discuss this at the committee meeting.
>On 17 February 2014 3:43:17 PM AWST, "Bromberger, James"
><jameseb at amazon.com<mailto:jameseb at amazon.com>> wrote:
>Hi Paul
>Yes; I gave Euan a $500 voucher code at LCA.
>Let me know if you have lost it. ;)
>  James
>James Bromberger | Solution Architect | Amazon Web Services
>E: jameseb at amazon.com<mailto:jameseb at amazon.com>   P: +61 422 166 708  
>From: pdelfante at gmail.com<mailto:pdelfante at gmail.com>
>[mailto:pdelfante at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Paul Del
>Sent: Monday, 17 February 2014 3:23 PM
>To: Bromberger, James; Luke John; PLUG Admin; PLUG Committee; av
>Subject: AWS Hosting
>Hey James
>I'm sure this has been asked many times before. So sorry about the
>Can you confirm this for me please
>I was under the impression Amazon is happy to sponsor PLUG with
>If I am in correct just let me know
>If we need to add AWS logo to plug.org.au<http://plug.org.au> as part
>of this let me know
>I know we need to remove your personal credit card and apply our own
>for the billing system.
>Thanking you Paul Del
>PLUG Secretary 2014
>You are receiving this email as your are listed as an Admin for Perth
>Linux User Group servers
>Admin mailing list
>Admin at plug.org.au<mailto:Admin at plug.org.au>
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