[PLUG-AV] Streaming WAIA AGM Tuesday 20140909-1400

Leon Wright techman83 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 00:26:54 UTC 2014

On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Nick Bannon <nick at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au>

> On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 04:49:57PM +0800, Luke John wrote:
> [...]
> > Are people interested in doing this again and does someone want to
> > take on this managing this project?
> I think we're interested and we can already get back to WAIA to say we're
> thinking about the details. (Cc: us if someone takes it upon themselves
> to do in the next day or two).
> We're a bit more bedded down in our tech and procedures, with lessons
> learned from last year and from LCA2014.

The automation will definitely avoid the, yes you can start "boom, it all
crashed".. Hold up another 5 minutes situation!

> We're not any more formalised
> in terms of a policy for hiring out the PLUG AV team, however, there's
> time to get that sorted. The volunteers from last year did not in the
> end claim their per-diems.

I didn't end up spending that much last time, so it never got past the
point of motivation.

> We're wanting some sort of commitment. We're
> not expecting you to give up your evening without covering your travel,
> parking, refreshments, etc.
> I'll put my hand up for getting some of the preparation underway.

Let me know if you need anything (I will be away for the next month

Who's definitely-available and maybe-available for Tuesday
> afternoon/evening, 20140909? Let's have a quick chat amongst ourselves
> and get back to WAIA shortly.

That technically is a scheduling conflict with our normal Plug meeting. But
I should be available either way.

DRM 'manages access' in the same way that jail 'manages freedom.'

# cat /dev/mem | strings | grep -i cats
Damn, my RAM is full of cats... MEOW!!
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