[PLUG-AV] Meetup updated + RFID

Paul Del p at delfante.it
Wed Jul 9 00:46:01 UTC 2014

Hey guys
I have updated the meetup calendar

I have the old RFID card from Luke in my hands, we will just have to test
I'm happy to do that with Nick if he want's

Euan did one of the others approve your PI's you bought for Quiz night
If not let me know and I'll fix up today

We don't have any speaker lined up for August or September.

I have started contacting the Perth/WA speaker list from LCA2014 but do
need some help
I have started contacting the ones in Red.
If anyone else wants to help and start from the bottom that would be great
(If anyone else needs access just send me your google email account)
Currently Euan, Nick, Michael V can see/edit

Thanks Paul
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