[PLUG-AV] [plug-ctte] RFID

Paul Del p at delfante.it
Thu Jul 10 02:14:24 UTC 2014

the one I have is Luke's and It was coded in for all doors and the whole of
the basement last time we used it.

no worries al right I will go in and test it myself.

I will speak to Ophelie as Jen said we where only allowed to have one card
as they had a certain number
(I did already ask about paying extra but she said no theres a limited

So if my card works for everything then you can have that one Nick and Euan
can keep my one.
I think as long as someone who works in the city has it so it's easily
Say if Euan was busy, if Michael V was coming to do AV we could lend him
the card(If Michael wanted to do that ;-)

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