[off-topic] SIMM cards and hardware

Tim White weirdit at gmail.com
Sun Oct 2 16:09:37 WST 2011

On 2/10/11 4:31 PM, Kev wrote:
>  G'day all,
> Is anyone here able to confirm one way or another whether Telstra SIMM 
> cards will work OK in other hardware (3G routers in particular)?  
> Unfortunately I live in a 3rd world area where 3G, satellite or 
> Oceanbroadband are my only options, and I've had my fill of 
> Oceanbroadband.

I believe most telstra sims will work. However I've heard rumours that 
Bigpond internet sims won't work. (Bigpond mobile broadband IS different 
to Telstra mobile broadband).

Its their modems that are the annoying part locked to their network. I 
have a nice unlocked NextG 3G router that works great with telstra 
prepaid sims and other providers. Otherwise if reception is great, a usb 
dongle with a mini computer works great.

p.s. I know your pain of rural internet. Here's hoping that NBN won't 
fail us so that when I move back to a rural area I can continue my work.

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