[off-topic] SIMM cards and hardware

Kev kdownes at oceanbroadband.net
Mon Oct 3 19:40:37 WST 2011

On 03/10/11 06:06, Tim White wrote:
> On 3/10/11 12:33 AM, Kev wrote:
>> Well, that messes me around then.  I (carelessly) thought that 
>> Bigpong was just the data arm of Telstra.  So I'd better go back and 
>> check what I've been looking at.
>> What I ideally want is a router which will accept a 3G SIMM and will 
>> have an RJ45 port to connect to my switch.  I need to dump 
>> oceanbroadband asap.  Everyone I've spoken to has said that Telstra 
>> would certainly be the fastest, but their hardware is always locked.  
>> So I want unlocked hardware and a Telstra SIMM.  Any suggestions 
>> about hardware would be most welcome.
> Hardware depends on what speed you want. Do you need the new "Tubro" 
> speeds or is the older adsl1 kinda speeds ok?
> Tim

Thanx for giving me your time Tim.  As things sit where I am in Albany, 
and until the NBN comes to town, I only have a choice of:

1. Terrestrial wireless - Oceanbroadband, top speed offered is 2Mb/s, 
with 20/30GB.  The best I've ever got is around 800Kb/s, though 
typically 50 to 100Kb/s.  For this I'm gouged $100/month.  I don't know 
if they're utterly incompetent of totally dishonest.

2. Satelite - slow, laggy and more expensive.

3. 3G - getting cheaper and faster all the time.  Telstra's latest 
offering is 1.5 to 8Mb/s and 8GB for $60/month.  AMAYSIM are cheaper, 
but everyone so far says that the Optus network is considerably slower.  
8GB should be enough as I have a friend (fellow PLUGger) in town who is 
more than willing to get large downloads for me.  For those near enough 
to the main exchange Bigpong and Exetel have ADSL2 dslams.  For me, no 
wired internet (except dial-up) available at all.

So I'm looking at going to 3G internet, and probably Telstra, but don't 
want to buy locked hardware if I can help it.  I have a mixed (wired and 
wireless) network and I figure that my easiest way out is to buy a 
router with a 3G SIMM slot and at least 1 RJ45 slot.  I know that there 
are other ways to do it, but for a non-tech simpleton like me they seem 
to be more complicated and/or more expensive.

That's about it.  I see that I should have been more forthcoming with 
detail from the beginning - lesson learnt :-[

Many thanx,

Kev Downes
The Other Other Operation
kdownes at oceanbroadband.net  ph 04047 08082
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