[plug] PLUG the PLUG

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Tue Dec 1 11:36:14 WST 1998

On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Leon Brooks wrote:

> Hey ho...
> The Quakefest (and xpilot-fest, IRC gabble and whatever) this coming
> sunday is looking good. I'll be ferrying Djinn/Peter there,
> Revenant/Steve has promised to be there, and others have expressed
> interest. I've stuck a few signs up around UWA and places advertising
> it, and plan to have a RH 5.2 CD in hand to install for the curious on
> the day.

I'll be bring with me  'bout a Gig of stuff includeing RedHat 5.1 and 5.2 +
updates for both, StarOffice 4.0 and 5.0 ... KDE,Gnome, and Enlightenment rpms
 .. (Sorry I use RedHat so I don't have the .deb's or tgz's). Of course alot 
of Quake II stuff, A tonne (Well a couple of Gig) of mp3's, an old (read
Aug 97) sunsite mirror ... and a partridge in a pear tree.

If anyone else wants stuff then let me know and I'll do my best

> I think it would be good to set up a local IRC server and link it to the
> Web so those not present can be present, kind of, and an FTP server to
> hand out whatever freeware is available. If you bring along FTP-able
> stuff on you HDD or CD, I can put up an FTP server for it on one of my
> machines.

As long as GW has a phone line I can use then I'll be happy to set my machine
up as a IRC/ftp server for the plugians that can't be there.
> Also, some nice gents in the USA sent me a few Linux T-shirts (size very
> large) and a RH 5.1 pack (CD _and_ frisbee) for making helpful
> suggestions; if anyone else wants to wear a Linux T-shirt on the day and
> don't have one of their own, I'll bring a couple.

.... do you need any spare cash ... I wouln't mind one for keeps :)
> I should have a brand new 16MB Banshee EvilQueen video card to try out
> (on a WinChip 240 processor, sigh), and I'll bring my old P-75 if I can,
> in case anybody forgets their machine. (-:

B'stard ... I'm stuck with 1Mb piece'a'sh*t

Yours Tony.

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